Sunday, August 12, 2012

Don't be a tartmuffin. . .

First off, I have no idea what a tartmuffin is, so don't ask.

Second, I thought I'd share this quote from Band Leader Training:
"All hype and no substance makes you a fluffhead." -BLT Speaker
Now you're probably asking what a fluffhead is and it's the same as a tartmuffin.

Anyway, while this quote can be applied to student leadership and such, it can also apply to your characters. No one wants to read about an optimistic MC with dreams of changing the world, and then never see that happen or an MC who talks smack, but has nothing to back them up. Give your MC some meat and grits! Same thing goes for your antagonist. Wimpy villains are for the lame. Make sure their actions have a purpose instead of, "I'm an evil guy. RAWR!" And for the love of God, do not make them monologue their evil plans.

Now stop being a tartmuffin and give your characters a backbone.


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